COD2 External MultiHack
- Features
- Aimbot
- Name Esp
- Distance Esp
- Radar
- Punkbuster Clean Screenshots and Game Screenshoots are Clean(for clan playing or whatever )
- X-ray Hide Modules/ProcessList bypass( fakes your ProcessList
- X-ray Clean Screenshots(sometimes does not work im to lazy for fixing it)
- Punkbuster Cvar scan bypass
- Punkbuster MD5Tool scan bypass
Compatible for:
windows 98 (pb kicks you for unknown program driver)
windows 2000
Windows XP SP2
Windows XP SP3
Windows 7
Windows vista
Call of duty 2 Version 1.3
Punkbuster MUST be up to date.
How to use:
Simple click the EX_COD2Bot.exe you will get a message box, press ok(or not) next start COD2
Press F3 for Enable/Disable - ESP
Press F4 for Enable/Disable - Aimbot
NOTES:The hack does not inject at the first time you need to click it again.